FM Rodriguez Fuentes, B Parent. “Impact of Ion Mobility on Electron Density and Temperature in Hypersonic Flows”, Physics of Fluids, 37:013609, 2025.

B Parent, FM Rodriguez Fuentes. “Progress in Electron Energy Modeling for Plasma Flows and Discharges”, Physics of Fluids, 36:086113, 2024.

B Parent, P Thoguluva Rajendran, SO Macheret, J Little, RW Moses, CO Johnston, F McNeil Cheatwood. “Effect of Plasma Sheaths on Earth Entry Magnetohydrodynamics”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 37, No. 4, Pages 845-857, 2023.

FM Rodriguez Fuentes, B Parent, “Control of Scramjet Inlet Recirculations Using Fuel Injection”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 61, No. 9, Pages 3775-3785, 2023.

B Parent. “Drift-Diffusion Models and Methods”, Chapter 8 of Plasma Modeling: Methods and Applications Edited by Antonio D’Angola and Gianpiero Colonna, 2nd edition, Iop Publishing, 2022.

B Parent, P Thoguluva Rajendran, A Omprakas. “Electron Losses in Hypersonic Flows”, Physics of Fluids, 34:016110, 2022.

B Parent. “Electron Heating and Cooling in Hypersonic Flows”, Physics of Fluids, 33:046105, 2021.

B Parent, KM Hanquist. “Plasma Sheath Modeling for Computational Aerodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics”, International Journal for Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2021, 35:331–348.

B Parent. “Positivity-Preserving Dual Time Stepping Schemes for Gas Dynamics”, Journal of Computational Physics, 361:391–411, 2018.

B Parent. “Multidimensional High-Resolution Schemes for Viscous Hypersonic Flows”, AIAA Journal, 55:141–152, 2017.

B Parent, MN Shneider, SO Macheret. “Detailed Modeling of Plasmas for Computational Aerodynamics”, AIAA Journal, 54:898–911, 2016.

B Parent, SO Macheret, MN Shneider. “Modeling Weakly-ionized Plasmas in Magnetic Field: a New Computationally-Efficient Approach”, Journal of Computational Physics, 300:779–799, 2015.

B Parent. “Multidimensional Flux Difference Splitting Schemes”, AIAA Journal, 53:1936–1948, 2015.

B Parent, SO Macheret, MN Shneider. “Electron and Ion Transport Equations in Computational Weakly-ionized Plasmadynamics”, Journal of Computational Physics, 259:51–69, 2014.

B Parent, MN Shneider, SO Macheret. “Sheath Governing Equations in Computational Weakly-ionized Plasmadynamics”, Journal of Computational Physics, 232:234–251, 2013.

B Parent. “Positivity-Preserving Flux Difference Splitting Schemes”, Journal of Computational Physics, 243:194–209, 2013.

B Parent. “Positivity-Preserving High-Resolution Schemes for Systems of Conservation Laws”, Journal of Computational Physics, 231:173–189, 2012.

MH Kim, B Parent. “Comparison between Wilcox kω turbulence models for supersonic flows”, Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 40 (5), 375-384, 2012.

B Parent. “Positivity-Preserving Flux-Limited Method for Compressible Fluid Flow”, Computers and Fluids, 44:238–247, 2011.

B Parent, SO Macheret, MN Shneider. “Ambipolar Diffusion and Drift in Computational Weakly-ionized Plasmadynamics”, Journal of Computational Physics, 230:8010–8027, 2011.

B Parent, MN Shneider, SO Macheret. “Generalized Ohm’s Law and Potential Equation in Computational Weakly-ionized Plasmadynamics”, Journal of Computational Physics, 230:1439–1453, 2011.

SH Won, IS Jeung, B Parent, JY Choi. “Numerical Investigation of Transverse Hydrogen Jet into Supersonic Crossflow Using Detached-Eddy Simulation,” AIAA Journal, 48:1047-1058, 2010.

B Parent, SO Macheret, MN Shneider, and N Harada. “Numerical Study of an Electron-Beam-Confined Faraday Accelerator”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 23:1023–1032, 2007.

J Etele, B Parent, JP Sislian. “Analysis of Increased Compression Through Area Constriction on Ejector-Rocket Performance”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 44:355–364, 2007.

JP Sislian, RP Martens, TE Schwartzentruber, and B Parent. “Numerical Simulation of a Real Shcramjet Flowfield”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 22:1039–1048, 2006.

DC Alexander, JP Sislian, and B Parent. “Hypervelocity Fuel/Air Mixing in Mixed-Compression Inlets of Shcramjets”, AIAA Journal, 44:2145–2155, 2006.

G Fusina, JP Sislian, and B Parent. “Formation and Stability of Near Chapman-Jouguet Standing Oblique Detonation Waves”, AIAA Journal, 43:1591–1604, 2005.

B Parent and IS Jeung. “Fuel-Cell-Powered Magnetoplasma Jet Engine with Electron Beam Ionization”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 21:433–441, 2005.

TE Schwartzentruber, JP Sislian, and B Parent. “Suppression of Premature Ignition in the Pre-Mixed Inlet Flow of a Shcramjet”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 21:87–94, 2005.

J Etele, JP Sislian, and B Parent. “Effect of Rocket Exhaust Configurations on Ejector Performance in RBCC Engines”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 21:656–666, 2005.

B Parent and JP Sislian. “Validation of the Wilcox kω Model for Flows Characteristic to Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion”, AIAA Journal, 42:261–270, 2004.

B Parent and JP Sislian. “Hypersonic Mixing Enhancement by Compression at a High Convective Mach Number”, AIAA Journal, 42:787–795, 2004.

JP Sislian and B Parent. “Hypervelocity Fuel/Air Mixing in a Shcramjet Inlet”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 20:263–272, 2004.

B Parent and JP Sislian. “Impact of Axial Vortices on Mixing at a High Convective Mach Number”, AIAA Journal, 41:1386–1388, 2003.

B Parent and JP Sislian. “Effect of Geometrical Parameters on the Mixing Performance of Cantilevered Ramp Injectors”, AIAA Journal, 41:448–456, 2003.

B Parent, JP Sislian, and J Schumacher. “Numerical Investigation of the Turbulent Mixing Performance of a Cantilevered Ramp Injector”, AIAA Journal, 40:1559–1566, 2002.

B Parent and JP Sislian. “The Use of Domain Decomposition in Accelerating the Convergence of Quasihyperbolic Systems”, Journal of Computational Physics, 179:140–169, 2002.