Computational Aerodynamics Questions & Answers  
Question by Prasanna
Professor, for Assignment #7, Question #3, are the answers posted in the following order: $u_L$,$u_R$ in decimal digits, $u_R$ in fraction, $f(u_L)$ in decimal digits, $f(u_L)$ in fraction respectively?
I updated the answers to make them more clear.
Question by Student 201983196
Professor, In Assignment#7, Question#2 (b), I use 2nd order polynomial about node(4,5,6) and node(5,6,7). and then using optimal weight, calculate $u_R$. but my solution is wrong. I don't know how to solve this Question#2(b).
Hm, I see a problem in your approach. You shouldn't be finding a polynomial when determining the flux with a TVD minmod2 limiter.
Question by Student 201627128
Professor, in class when you explained how to find WENO3, you found a highest degree polynomial through the data points. Using a similar approach I was able to find $u_L$ equal to 4.5 as in the solutions, however, when I apply the same strategy to find $u_R$, I get 4.25 instead, which does not match the solution. I tried to do it in reconstruction evolution and again found 4.5 for $u_L$ but this time $u_R$ becomes 5. Is there a separate approach to find $u_R$?
I don't understand why using reconstruction-evolution would give you a different answer. You need to find $u_{\rm R}$ by interpolating $u$. Once $u$ is interpolated and $u_{\rm L}$ and $u_{\rm R}$ are found, then apply reconstruction evolution.
Question by Prasanna
Professor, for assignment #7, question #3 (c), I did my calculation as follows: I get a slightly different answer from my calculation. However, the answer is the same as the one posted only if I choose the wavespeed $a=u$ and not $a=u/2$.
For $f$ and $u$ given, there is only one wave speed not two.
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