Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics Questions and Answers  
Question by AME536A Student
I apologize if you mentioned this already, but do we need to print out the tables for the exam or will those be provided?
I'll bring some tables.
Question by AME536A Student
For the midterm exam, is a TI-84 calculator allowable? It does not have an SD slot but I am not sure what is considered as a large screen.
No TI 84 allowed in exams. This is a programmable calculator.
Question by AME536A Student
Professor Parent, Are we meant to assume that, in problem 2 of homework 3, the duct has a square cross section? The mass flow rate is a 3-dimensional quantity but we are only given the height of the duct and not the width so we may not calculate the cross sectional area. Please let me know if the width is a necessary quantity in solving this problem. Thank you.
The problem is 2D not 3D. Find the mass flow rate per unit depth (implied).
Question by AME536A Student
For problem 2 of Assignment #4, when you say that the mass flow rate is 15kg/s is that supposed to be the flow rate at both stations 1 and 2?
It's a steady state problem. You can deduce it on your own starting from the mass conservation equation in CV form.
Question by AME536A Student
Hello Professor, What are the necessary condition(s) we must satisfy in order to have a potential flow? Specifically in Homework 10 Problem 3 part b it must be proved that potential flow is not satisfied for r<R. Is this just a matter of finding whether or not the curl of the velocity is equal to zero (ie irrotational)? Thank you.
You need to show that the velocities satisfy the potential equation.
Question by AME536A Student
Hello Professor, could you hold an office hour on Tuesday or Wednesday this coming week because Monday is a holiday?
Let's have an office hour right after class on Tuesday.
Question by AME536A Student
For question 3 of assignment 2, do we need to know the mass of the plate to calculate the final answer?
In this case, assume that the plate mass is much less than the mass located on the plate.
Question by AME536A Student
In question 6 of this week’s assignment, I’m a bit stuck on finding the density of the air in the tube (part c). Can this air be treated as an ideal gas with the same temperature as the outside air?
Air can be treated as an ideal gas. If you fix its temperature to the surroundings, justify this with one or two sentences.
Question by AME536A Student
In assignment 3, question 2, what is the shape of the duct?
The duct has a height $H$ and infinite depth along $z$.
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