Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics B Questions and Answers  
Question by AME536A Student
Hi Dr. Parent, would it be possible to exclude A2Q4 from the final? This question is a long derivation that you completed entirely in class.
Yes, let's exclude A2Q4.
Question by AME536B Student
Dr. Parent, would it be possible to exclude A1Q3? This is also a longer derivation that you did almost entirely in class.

Would it also be possible to exclude A1Q4 since this question was originally optional? Thank you!
Yes, let's exclude A1Q3 and A1Q4.
Question by AME536B Student
As I was going through some of the lecture recording I was again paid careful attention to the definition of shear strain from angular distort done in class.My explanation for the one-half factor was as explained in class, that being that it is an average of two displacements. I cannot find any mention of this being an incomplete explanation or of there being a need to find a better one, but I received feedback that this was not correct. Could you clarify what I am missing?
You must have missed several lectures. I explained in class that simply taking the average is not a good enough explanation. I explained in another class how to solve this problem properly. Check the zoom recordings.
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