Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics B Questions and Answers | |
This is not the best way of doing it because it will measure much less than the jet height. The Q&A is finished for this term: the exam is in less than 24 hours. Good luck!
I added them already more than 1 week ago. Let me check why you can not see them.
They have to be submitted in class on the due date, not on the D2L.
You should keep the gravitational effects within the $y$ momentum equation.
In this case, I would not worry about scale velocities in $x$ and $y$ direction. This will make things more complicated then they need to be. You should rather start this by providing an order of magnitude estimate of the largest viscous terms (in any dimension) close and far from the sphere. So, the direction in which they point is not important here. Then, compare these approximate viscous terms to an approximation of the convection terms. Hint: focus on the length scales.
In A5Q3, there is no reason to use the streamfunction. Rather use the derived drag force on a sphere outlined in the tables.
Something is wrong. Make sure you write down your drag force correctly.
Expand the first term on the LHS in two terms. Also, you can rewrite the second term on the LHS as $$ -\mu \frac{v_\theta}{r^2} = \mu \frac{\partial}{\partial r} \left( \frac{v_\theta}{r}\right) - \frac{\mu}{r} \frac{\partial v_\theta}{\partial r} $$ This will lead to various simplifications and an expression easy to integrate.
Download the latest version of the tables. At the bottom of the last page, there is a link that you can click to access the source files.
For part (a), you need to outline a condition when this term is negligible. So, you need to compare its magnitude to the magnitude of another term in the same transport equation. In part (b), find the error simply as the ratio between this term and the other term to which it is compared to. Use order of magnitude analysis and substitute values for $u$, $\rho$, etc using the freestream properties.
Will look into it.
Yes, let's exclude A2Q4.
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